Richard Davy, Defrosting the Cold War and Beyond: An introduction to the Helsinki Process 1954-2022. Routledge, Abingdon, 2023
- Richard Davy, ed., European Detente: A Reappraisal, Sage Publications, London, for the Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1992
- "Report on publishing in the Visegrad countries" in Freedom for Publishing, Publishing for Freedom, Timothy Garton Ash ed., Central European University Press 1995.
- "The Central European Dimension" in William Wallace, ed., The Dynamics of European Integration, Pinter Publishers for the Royal Institute of International Affairs, London, 1990.
- "Policies for Eastern Europe" in Robert Hunter, ed., Nato, the Next Generation, CSIS and Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado, 1984.
- Introduction, Fodor's Guide to Eastern Europe, 1982.
- "The United States" in Nils Andren and Karl Birnbaun, ed., Belgrade and Beyond: The CSCE Process in Perspective, Sijthoff and Nordhoff, Netherlands, 1980.
Other Writings In:
The Times, The Independent, The Spectator, The Times Literary Supplement, The Washington Post, The Daily Telegraph, Die Zeit, Das Parlament.
- Helsinki myths: setting the record straight on the Final Act of the CSCE, 1975. Cold War History Vol. 9, No.1, February 2009.
- Helsinki Scoreboard, The World Today, August 1976, 32/8. London: The Royal Institute of International Affairs.
- ‘The CSCE Summit’, The World Today, September 1975. London: The Royal Institute of International Affairs.
- Review of John W. Young, Twentieth-Century Diplomacy: A Case study of British Practice 1963-1776.Cambridge University Press, 2008, in Journal of Cold War Studies 13:3, Summer 2011.
- Review of Mario del Pero, The Eccentric Realist: Henry Kissinger and the Shaping of American Foreign Policy.Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2010, in Journal of Cold War Studies 14:2, Spring 2012.
- Review of Thomas Fischer, Neutral Power in the CSCE: The N+N States and the Making of the
Helsinki Accords 1975. Baden-Baden: Nomos for the Austrian Institute for International
Affairs, 2009, in Journal of Cold War Studies 13:1 Winter 2011.
- Review of Andreas Wenger, Vojtech Mastny, and Christian Nuenlist, eds., Origins of the European
Security System: The Helsinki Process Revisited, 1965–75. New York: Routledge, 2008, in Journal of Cold War Studies 12:4 Fall 2010.
- Grossbritannien und die Deutsche Frage, Europa Archiv (Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Auswaertige Politik) 25 February 1990.
- The German questions: divided Germany’s dual relationship to the Soviet Union and to the West. The Ditchley Journal 1989.
- Eastern Europe: New Policies for Old, The Washington Quarterly (The Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University) Vol 7 no. 2 Spring 1984.
- West Germany’s "Green" Party, The Journal of the Institute for Socioeconomic Studies VII no. 3 Autumn 1982.
- Strategies of East and West, The Ditchley Journal Spring 1981.
- Überlegungen zur britischen Ostpolitik, Europaeische Rundschau, 1972/2
- Soviet Foreign Policy and the Invasion of Czechoslovakia, International Journal (Canadian Institute of International Affairs) Vol. XXXIII no. 4, autumn 1978.
- No Progress at Belgrade, The World Today (Chatham House) April 1978.
- Eurocommunismo: il suo significato per la Polonia e la Cecoslovacchia, Affari Esteri IX no. 36 October 1977.
- "The ESC and the Politics of Eastern Europe" The World Today (Chatham House) July 1972